Sunday, January 23, 2011


Hello, friends!

Welcome to the blog of my year in the Republic of Georgia.

The reason for my latest adventure is employment! Yay, employment! I've been employed by Greenheart Travel and Teach and Learn with Georgia to be a teaching assistant in a public school in the country of Georgia. Now, I won't know exactly where I'll be teaching until I arrive in Tbilisi in a week's time (Eep! Less that a week!). Once I arrive I'll go through a week of training and basic Georgian language (coolijous, as the Georgia kids would say [it means 'cool']). Then I'll be assigned to my school and host family. I wish I knew now where I'll be going. If I'm to be stationed in the mountains in the middle of nowhere I'd bring warmer clothes and more DVDs. But it's all part of the adventure, I guess.

I should tell you, for those out there who don't know, I've been to Georgia before. When I was studying abroad in England I volunteered with a charity organization called TravelAid. During the year we raised money for TEMI,  a community for the socially vulnerable, in the town of Gremi. Then, during the summer, we stayed at TEMI for a month, living and working on the farm. I met some amazing people and can honestly say that was the most exciting and unique month of my life. I really can't wait to return to Georgia and hopefully visit my friends at TEMI.

And I won't have to wait long. I'm leaving Boston on Friday, January 28. And after a day and a half of travel I'll arrive in Tbilisi.

Exciting things are just around the corner. Stay tuned!


Some links to the organizations I mentioned:
Greenheart Travel, Teach in the Republic of Georgia
Teach and Learn with Georgia

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